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Site operatives, supervisors and managers preparing to take the CSCS test will need to prove that they are competent in carrying out their task safely by passing the CITB health safety and environment test.

The test includes behavioural case studies, and knowledge and specialist questions. The behavioural case studies are based on the core principles of the industry’s free film Setting out. The film explores what employers and sites must do for workers, and how workers need to behave and interact to constantly changing site conditions.

Specialist activities include tests in the following areas.

  • Supervisory.
  • Demolition.
  • Highway works.
  • Specialist work at height.
  • Lifts and escalators.
  • Tunnelling.
  • Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR):
    • Heating and plumbing services (HAPS)
    • Pipefitting and welding (PFW)
    • Ductwork (DUCT)
    • Refrigeration and air conditioning (RAAC)
    • Service and facilities maintenance (SAF).
  • Plumbing (JIB).


CSCS TEST (Health Safety & Environmental Test)

Site operatives, supervisors and managers preparing to take the CSCS test will need to prove that they are competent in carrying out their task safely by passing the CITB health safety and environment test.

How To Book For Your TEST

You can book online now by clicking on the link apply now or book over the phone by calling us on 0208 572 7433 or 0772 710 2390


The test duration is 45 minutes and consist of 50 multiple choice questions.


If you have already achieved a construction related NVQ or SVQ within the last two years then you will not need to sit the test.

Test Types

The type of card being applied for will determine which test needs to be taken, whether it is the operative, supervisors, managers. Not sure which test you need to sit? Call our CSCS test advisors or help line on 0208 572 7433 or 0772 710 2390

Revision Materiel

You can purchase the official book or DVD to revise for the test online or over the phone.



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